Throughout our lives, we accumulate a wealth of emotions, impressions, and knowledge. However, unfortunately, we often struggle to retain these memories in our minds. Yes, they may be stored somewhere in the subconscious, but it's not the kind of information format we can easily access in our daily lives.
As time passes, we can only recall bits and pieces of the content from books, movies, or trips that we enjoyed. Imagine just finishing a movie that you liked. In the first few hours after watching it, you remember almost everything - the plot in vivid detail, funny jokes, the lead and supporting actors, and even the music that might still echo in your mind. But as some time goes by, if your colleagues or friends casually ask you about that movie, you can surely provide a general overview of the plot and give a simple evaluation like "liked it" or "didn't like it," but it won't compare to your initial impressions..
So, much of what we see, read, and understand fades away from our memory. That's why, in my opinion, it makes sense to write down at least general impressions of the things you have spent time on in your life, so that time isn't wasted in vain. Of course, this website is not an exhaustive dictionary of concepts and phenomena. It's simply a collection of notes about events and phenomena that have caught my interest.